Wednesday, January 22, 2014

A Time for Reflection

I stayed home from work yesterday and spent some time soul searching.  I have a good life, and lots to be thankful for, but I'm not happy.  Why is that?  I don't have the answer and, for years, I've slogged through life letting my happiness fall to the wayside.  I don't want to live this way anymore... for me, for my family, for my son.  I've decided I need to take some time each day for myself... time for reflection.  I need to take time to think about what will make me happy and work towards that goal.  In the wee hours of the night, when my brain wouldn't turn off, I found myself searching for happiness on the internet.  I know that place doesn't exist out there in cyberspace.  I know that true happiness lies within myself, but I needed some guidance on how to get started.  I found this article, which really spoke to me, called 30 Things to Start Doing for Yourself ( 

Every number in this article is important, but there were three that really spoke to me...
  1. Start making your own happiness a priority.
  2. Start taking full accountability for your own life.
  3. Start working towards your goals every single day.
Starting now, happiness is my priority.  I know I can't be happy all the time, but I sure can do better than my current state!  I've started this blog as a place for self reflection, a place for happiness, a place for me.